
The Social Cognition and Learning (SoCal) Lab is a developmental psychology and neuroscience lab. We study how infants and children think about, learn from, and interact with other people. For more information feel free to browse our site and contact us with any questions. 

Lab News

June 2024: Congratulations to our graduating lab members!! Ten current or former RAs got their bachelor degrees this spring, and are going on to industry jobs, research jobs, or grad programs :)

June 2024: Undergrads Majo Guerrero and Jamie Park presented their Honors theses! 

March 2024: The lab presented 2 talks and 11 posters at the Cognitive Development Society meeting in Pasadena. We also got to hang out with alumni Madison and Isabel :)

December 2023: Lauren Smith received a research grant from the Psi Chi society!

November 2023: Lab RA Carlos Aguilar was accepted into the McNair Scholars Program! Congrats, Carlos!

Study Spotlight

Ages:  14 - 20 month olds

What motivates babies to help?

*This study is conducted in person at 

our lab on the UCSD campus*