Participate in our in-person studies!

We have ongoing studies conducted in our lab at UC San Diego! You can view the studies and what age ranges we are looking for below. If you are interested in a study that your child is the right age for you can sign up by clicking the link and selecting an appointment that works for you. You can sign up for as many studies as your child is eligible for! 

Please email if you are interested in participating, but do not have a means of transportation. 

Check how old your baby is in months using the age calculator below.

Ages: 7 months - 9 months 

Social interaction in the infant brain

Social interaction is a key part of life from infancy onward. One way for babies to learn how social interactions work is by watching them. This study asks how the infant brain responds when babies are watching social interactions. This appointment will take ~20 minutes altogether, and your baby will wear a cloth fNIRS cap.

*This study involves fNIRS Data Collection. You can read more about it here*

Ages: 9 months - 12 months 

How do social partners help infants learn?

Babies in this study will view colorful toys, sometimes sharing attention with a social partner and sometimes not. We're interested in how shared attention affects learning about the toys, and how this relates to brain activity. This appointment will take ~30 minutes altogether, and your baby will wear a cloth fNIRS cap.

*This study involves fNIRS Data Collection. You can read more about it here*

Ages: 14 months - 20 months 

How do infants respond to someone struggling at a task?

We are studying brain development related to helping and empathy! In a 30-minute study in the lab, your baby will wear a cloth NIRS cap and watch videos of people struggling or succeeding, and also have the chance to help an experimenter with some tasks!

*This study involves fNIRS Data Collection. You can read more about it here*

Sign Up for Future Studies!

Ages: 3 months to 8 years

Our lab is always looking for baby and child scientists to participate in our studies! If your child is not currently the right age for our present studies, you can sign up to be contacted when we have a study for them. 

No appointment times work? If there are no open appointment slots that work for you please email us at and we can find a time and day that works for you! 

Child not in our age ranges? If you and your child are interested in participating in our studies, but we do not have any studies available for your child's age, please fill out this form. We will contact you when we have a new study for them!

Is now not a good time, but you want us to contact you later? Provide your name and email below and we'll send you an email in a month to give you more information about our ongoing studies.