Lab News
Lab News
- Jan 2025: Alexis Smith-Flores will join the faculty of Lehigh University as an Assistant Professor of Psychology in July!
- Dec 2024: James (Wenhao) Qi defended his dissertation and received his PhD! Congrats, James!!
- Aug 2024: Bill Pepe successfully proposed his dissertation and is a PhD candidate! Congrats, Bill!
- June 2024: Congratulations to our graduating lab members!! Ten current or former RAs got their bachelor degrees this spring, and are going on to industry jobs, research jobs, or grad programs :)
- June 2024: Undergrads Majo Guerrero and Jamie Park presented their Honors theses!
- March 2024: The lab presented 2 talks and 11 posters at the Cognitive Development Society meeting in Pasadena. We also got to hang out with alumni Madison and Isabel :)
- December 2023: Lauren Smith received a research grant from the Psi Chi society!
- November 2023: Lab RA Carlos Aguilar was accepted into the McNair Scholars Program! Congrats, Carlos!
- September 2023: Lauren Smith, Jamie Park, and Lindsey Powell presented posters at Flux/FIT'NG!
- June 2023: Congratulations to our incredible graduating RAs Naomi, Gabe, Marissa, Ana, Boyu, and Yasmine!
- May 2023: Our first empirical paper, on infants' relationship-based expectations of empathic happiness, was accepted for publication!
- May 2023: Lab RAs Nico Navarro and Jamie Park were awarded summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships!
- May 2023: Lab RAs Naomi Batarse and Ana Correa-Avila-Robb earned department awards for excellence in undergraduate research!
- May 2023: Lab PI Lindsey Powell was awarded a Hellman Fellowship!
- May 2023: Former lab RAs Angie Gross and Emma Yu accepted lab manger jobs at Wash U and Harvard!
- May 2023: Former lab RAs Khanh Nguyen and Jenny Yue were accepted to grad programs at SDSU and Yale!
- March 2023: Naomi Batarse, Gabe Bonamy, and Marissa Garcia had posters at the SAS conference, mentored by Alexis Smith-Flores!
- Aug. 2022: Graduating senior, Deisy Martinez, accepted a Lab Manager position at NYU! Congratulations, Deisy!
- Aug. 2022: Isabel Herrera, Angie Gross, and STARS student Victoria Fawcette presented their research at the Summer Research Conference!
- Jul. 2022: The lab ran its first in-person participant!
- Jul. 2022: Madison Pesowski (Post-Doc), accepted a position as an assistant professor at the University of the Fraser Valley! Congratulations Madison!
- Jul. 2022: Meg Pierce joined the SoCal Lab as our Lab Manager!
- Jun. 2022: STARS students Victoria Fawcette and Sian Lee joined the SoCal lab for the summer!
- April 2022: Isabel Herrera (RA) was awarded the 2021-2022 Excellence in Developmental Psychology Research Award! Congratulations Isabel!
- April 2022: Lauren Smith joined the lab as a graduate student!
- Feb. 2022: Isabel Herrera (RA) had her abstract accepted for poster presentations for the Cognitive Development Society! Congrats Isabel!
- Nov. 2021: We submitted our first empirical paper, led by Madison Pesowski
- Nov. 2021: Alexis Smith-Flores gave a colloquium talk at City, University of London
- Nov. 2021: Isabel Herrera and Deisy Martinez are newly awarded McNair Scholars!
- Aug. 2021: Welcome to Bill Pepe, our newest grad student!
- Jun. 2021: Isabel Herrera was awarded the UCSD Undergraduate Research Scholarship for the Summer of 2021!
- Jun. 2021: STARS students Kelsea Jackson, Joanna Ramirez, and Mi'Anjel Jack joined the SoCal lab for the summer!
- May 2021: Haley Amin, 4th year research assistant, has been awarded the 2020-21 Excellence in Developmental Psychology Research Award! Congratulations Haley!
- Mar. 2021: Alexis Smith's SRCD poster won a SECC poster award!
- Dec. 2020: SoCal Lab members, Alexis and Paloma, had their abstracts accepted for poster presentations at the upcoming Society for Research in Child Development Meeting in April! Congrats Alexis and Paloma!
- Oct. 2020: The lab ran its first participant!
- Aug. 2020: Alexis Smith-Flores joined the SoCal Lab as a graduate student!
- Jul. 2020: Paloma Iñiguez joined the SoCal Lab as our Lab Manager!
- Jun. 2020: STARS students Natalie Gevoglanian and Jazlyn Armendariz joined SoCal lab for the summer!
- Jan. 2020: Dr. Lindsey Powell joined the faculty at UCSD!